Worst blogger ever

February 16, 2014


*Warning: A post filled with new year clichés.

Happy New Year...

...Only (47) days late. I think I have offically developed into the world's worst blogger. I know my posts have been a little sporadic these past few months, but I miss blogging so much and I'm determined to get back on track. . 2013, was a mixed year for me. I started a new job, made lots of new really good friends and found a really special man in my life. It had its ups and had its downs, but I want to make 2014 my year(*).

January is well and truly over and we're half way into February so it's time to make the most of 2014 and do everything that I have on my list.

1) Pass my driving test
2) Get back to the gym and my pre-Christmas weight
3) Go on holiday
4) Get an extra part time job to save for a car
5) Get back into education

What new year goals did you make and any you've stuck to this far?

Ellen x


  1. I got back into blogging this year and I'm loving it! It's so nice to have something personal to work on and share with people! Your 2013 sounds very similar to mine, as do your goals for 2014! I'm super determined to achieve mine and hope you are happy with your outcomes! Goood Luck lovely! X

    1. Hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things soon!! Awww you're so nice!! Good luck too Chole, we can do it lol x

    2. It always takes a while to get back into it, but you'll get there! YES WE CAN, haha! X

  2. good luck with your list...pass the driving test and saving for car are on my list too...


  3. I've missed your blog posts! I'm glad you're coming back to the blogging world. Good luck with all your goals!

    Tara xo

  4. Actually, i'm glad that you're back though :) It's good to keep updating with you lovely xx

  5. Thanks, I'll check your blog out now x

  6. welcome back!! I'm really sharing some of your goals too haha
    Have a nice day x

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I wish to pass my test this year too, fingers crossed! Don't worry about blogging late it's better to come back and post at least something rather than never again. Have a fab weekend doll! x

    Essence of Jess

    1. Good luck to us both! Thanks Jessica, you too!! x

  9. Tell me about it! I am the same - lack motivation! Determined to be better though!


  10. Thanks a lot for your comment.

    Wanna follow each other?
    Let us know on our blog. :)

    Kiss, Selina & Olivia, The RedViolet

  11. GREAT post and your blog is so cute :)

    Check out my new post...a lovely Swedish house by the sea :)

    Have a great new week dear

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis - inredning it's, Swedish for decor :)


I love getting your messages, it still amazes me people actually take the time to read my ramblings! They're always read and appreciated so thank you :) xxx

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